Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Spotlight Tuesday: The Horus Heresy

(Cover art for John French's The Crimson Fist)
Reading has always been a passion of mine since I was but a child. Books captivated my imagination and introduced me to worlds unlike anything I could have fathomed before. My novels have brought me joy, filled me with suspense and horror, and consumed my mind with a hunger for more. 

In aspect, the Warhammer universe never ceases to amaze and continue my enjoyment in a universe I love to learn more about. One such series, and the spotlight of this blog, is the Horus Heresy novels. Set in the sci-fi Warhammer 40k universe, the Horus Heresy series tell the story of the beginnings of the Imperium of Man and the rise of the Space Marines. How the God-Emperor of Mankind arose to power and united the warring misguided worlds scattered across the stars in a mighty empire of unquestionable strength.

Yet after all the bloodshed and rebellions that had to be suppressed, the greatest test had yet to come in the form of betrayal. Entire chapters of Space Marine legions descended into madness, following the corruption of Warmaster Horus, the favorite son the Emperor, by the dark gods of Chaos. Thus began a war like no other, tearing the Imperium apart by traitors and the unspeakable horrors of daemons. 

(Cover art for John French's The Crimson Fist)
The first book that I read of the series was “Know No Fear: The Battle of Calth” by Dan Abnett dating all the way back to 2012. It wasn’t the first of the series, but it was the first time I got to really read about, in detail, the Horus Heresy. You see, this event was massive. It is referred to in almost every book involving heresy, daemons, and traitors. Since that is in a lot of the books, you began to feel like you’re missing out on something big.

That’s what the Horus Heresy novels do, fill in the gap in an extremely satisfying way. Other blogs have placed have been dedicated to talking about it in its entirety, such as the Heresy 30K blog, and a mobile game based on the series has also come out recently titled Warhammer 40k: Dropship Assault. A tabletop game about the Horus Heresy is also out, so there is a lot of dedication to this specific time in the 40k universe.

That said, I am curious as to the favorite novels of others. Share your favorite novels in the comment section. What is your favorite series, and is there a specific novel in that series that has a special place in your collection?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Picture Perfect: From Physical to Digital

(Picture example of the ePawn - Chess)
 I must admit that I have had an unending love for tabletop games ever since I was first introduced to them by my parents. My love developed into a quick mastery of any game I touched, and shortly after I started playing Chess the rest of my family quit. It would appear I had gotten too skilled at it, as I haven’t enjoyed a challenging game of Chess since one of my uncles visited us a few years back.

Tabletop games have been with society for centuries, proving to be an enduring source of entertainment for many throughout the ages. I should know, since I’m one of them. From Chess to Risk, Poker to Monopoly, I find an escape from everyday life while enjoying the challenge these games provide. Some love them so much that they have dedicated their livelihoods to talking about them as a

With every passing year, new tabletop games were invented to help us pass the time and allow us to pretend to be the masters of strategy and critical thinking. It was from that mold that the Warhammer tabletop game was born. But it did something no other game did, for it allowed us to become generals of grand armies and mighty heroes the likes we have never seen except from novels and comic books.

Yet in a digital age, gaming has evolved to match the needs of a new generation. Video games have taken its place, and Warhammer has stepped up to combat the rising tides while defending its proud tabletop history. From this change, Dawn of War and Space Marine were developed with many others having been made before and after these two particular games for the enjoyment of Warhammer fans and gamers in general. 

(Picture example of the ePawn - Dungeons & Dragons)
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine was the first game I was immersed in, and I found myself captivated by the strength I was granted through the conduit of the pixelated Space Marine on my screen. The story was that of a losing battle that had taken a turn for the worse, and by the end I was left with questions unanswered which drove me to learn more about the Warhammer universe. From there, I started to play the Dawn of War strategy games and began to truly feel like a cunning general in the Warhammer universe.

But while I, and undoubtedly many others, have been busy spending my free time enjoying such games, I began to wonder as to the fate of the tabletop games that started it all. Research shows it to be very much alive, with new updates to the game having released as recently as January in the form of a faction
update for the Necron army.

Yet this suddenly has me concerned and aware of the fact that I haven’t touched a tabletop game for so long, having found a new escape though video games. It has replaced the void once filled by the table games themselves, even if I had not noticed it until now. This shift from the physical to the digital is a fact that, humorously enough, Warhammer developers are aware of.

An upcoming game, titled
Warhammer 40k: Regicide, is a chess game planned to be released sometime this year with Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, a discontinued tabletop game set in the 40k universe, also in the works. Furthermore, Mordheim: City of the Damned is coming out which is based on the fantasy board game. This thread seems to be a push from Games Workshop to introduce a new generation to the Warhammer universe.

I believe it to be smart marketing, for it sure worked on me. But I must wonder as to where this is going to leave actual tabletop games. Is it going to adapt fully into the video game world, or can it manage to thrive without the need to change? Make sure to share your thoughts down below!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

About this blog

Greetings and salutations, my loyal viewers. Welcome to Eternal News, a blog dedicated to all things Warhammer. Be it Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k, the table top game or an upcoming book, anything of relevance to the hobby shall be covered in one way or another.

The goal of the blog is to enlighten those interested in the hobby about Warhammer and all the amazing facts about it, while also keeping longtime fans updated with current affairs in regard to table top updates or upcoming video games.

With Warhammer’s long history and multiple branches of entertainment connected to the franchise, each blog post shall be categorized to represent the particular subject discussed as a way to help extend the blogs usefulness to the diverse interests of fans.

I myself have grown to love the universe through my favorite pastime, video games. As it branched out into the video game industry, I learned of the fantastic world of Warhammer and was engrossed into the universe. I found myself wanting more, and I now own a noticeably large collection of novels on both the fantasy and 40k series.

I wish to spread that love and knowledge that I have grown for the Warhammer universe to others, and I hope that this blog can act as the instrument that connects my enthusiasm for Warhammer to the rest of the world.

Just as the Black Templars of the zealous Space Marines in their eternal crusade against the darkness of a hostile galaxy, this blog shall remain a pillar of unending content against a sea of uncategorized information. A blog on its own crusade, one dedicated to the enlightenment of the people, ever vigilant in its quest to discover everything there is about the fascinating universe Warhammer has created for its fans.

A source of Eternal News, one that specializes in a hobby that shall remain an eternal part of our lives.